Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bok Choy it!

HELLO ALL!! Are you tired of eating the same old veggies week after week? Well, May I introduce you to Bok Choy! I'm sure you have picked up this leafy asian vegetable in a grocery store asking yourself what could I prepare with this. Calorie for calorie few vegetables pack more of a nutritional PUNCH than Chinese white cabbage(Bok Choy). Even low in calories, it provides a potent vitamin content, including cancer fighting nitrogen compounds called indoles.
After you rinse the Bok Choy thoroughly chop the leaves into 1 inch pieces and combine with 1 pound of sliced boneless, skinless chicken breasts and 2 tablespoons of black bean sauce in a pan or wok. Simply cook until the chicken is white and firm and the Bok Choy is wilted. This is a quick and healthy recipe with little clean up. So, Pick up some Bok Choy next time you are in the produce section of your favorite grocery store! ENJOY, Trainer Todd

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